You probably all follow her already, wondrous fount of all knowledge about publishing (and wine) that she is, but if you don't, hop along to her much-lauded blog at
How Publishing Really Works, and clog up her comments-box by wishing her happy birthday. Or else, you can comment here, as she often reads my blog, feeling the need to keep in touch with civilisation as she must, living in the wilds of Yorkshire where they have no electricity or running water. (She and her family have to have a 24-hour pedalling rota to make the old electricity generator work - it's a sad, sad situation for her woman of her potential.)
I am very cross with her for being a few months younger than me. But otherwise, I can't find anything to criticise in her. And, believe me, I've tried.
I do know that Jane claims to be jealous of me for being able to wear pointy heels and sexy shoes, (you can't do this in Yorkshire - it scares the sheep), so I thought she might appreciate this photo of my feet a few hours ago, just after I'd fallen into a reservoir and hurt my knee. These are seriously not sexy shoes, I am sure you agree. They also now stink, especially since I had to walk for an hour in them oozing reservoir water.

Reservoir clogs?