Apologies for my absence for the last few days and at least a few more. I have just ended the most gruelling month of talks I have ever done and am now overwhelmed by emails and tasks and things I should mostly not have said I'd do. Anyone who asks me to do anything over the next few days and weeks is certain to get a weary "Sorry, but no," (as some people have already discovered today ...)
But it won't take me long to re-surface, don't worry.
Meanwhile, a few choice high and low points of my book tour:
- All the audiences - especially seeing ultra-cool Year 9s mesmerised by stories
- Avoiding going in a hot tub with some librarians (no offence to librarians)
- Beeslack High School pupils, English teacher and librarian
- The organisational skills of Linda Bromyard - yay for Facebook
- The effort lots of schools went to - here are two examples of beetly things inspired by Deathwatch in wonderful Worcester schools
The teacher who said, just before I went into a talk to 120 Year 9s, "You realise that most of them are not looking forward to hearing you? They'd rather be doing computers. They're like "WhaddoIcareaboutanauthorvisit?"
Just the one. Brace yourself, and then look closely. Why does this always happen to me? Is it surprising I'm exhausted, when I had to look at that for several hours yesterday?